OK If you have not already found this site you MUST check it out!
This is my new favorite website! I have never seen a collection of cosmetic information quite like this. You can search by brand and/or products. (I recently went in to Sephora and spoke with the trainer for Tarte. Tarte is one of the safest department store brands- at least that is what they are marketing.) I was so happy to find out more information on just what ingredients are in the products and what is known about the ingredients. www.cosmeticdatabase.com/ made my searching really simple and easy. I can not recommend this site enough. There is a fantastic video on the main page of www.Safecosmetics.org that really clarifies and explains what it is all about. I am no longer willing to be poisoned by beauty products. The two do not need to go hand and hand. Take a moment and check out how safe (or more likely unsafe) some of the items you are using every day are. Educate yourself and then tell your friends and neighbors! Lets make a difference!
This is my new favorite website! I have never seen a collection of cosmetic information quite like this. You can search by brand and/or products. (I recently went in to Sephora and spoke with the trainer for Tarte. Tarte is one of the safest department store brands- at least that is what they are marketing.) I was so happy to find out more information on just what ingredients are in the products and what is known about the ingredients. www.cosmeticdatabase.com/ made my searching really simple and easy. I can not recommend this site enough. There is a fantastic video on the main page of www.Safecosmetics.org that really clarifies and explains what it is all about. I am no longer willing to be poisoned by beauty products. The two do not need to go hand and hand. Take a moment and check out how safe (or more likely unsafe) some of the items you are using every day are. Educate yourself and then tell your friends and neighbors! Lets make a difference!